Wednesday 2 November 2016


I haven't blogged in months. I would love to tell you that I was too busy living life to talk to a computer screen but the reality is much more mundane and predictable; my depression and mood instability had improved, and I was too afraid to write as a (mostly) mentally competent person. Poor writing and bad grammar can be excused when you are cognitively impaired, but I discovered I lack the mental fortitude/balls to be judged as a functioning human being.

Luckily, for nobody, I am once again cocooned in the familiar blanket of depression; albeit a milder manifestation than its predecessor. So to the keyboard I return, for better or worse.

Over the last year I have done a lot of work with my therapists to address and, in most cases, move past events in my life that have contributed to my being an emotional equivalent of a broken condom. Yet my core belief system remained unchanged. No matter how many 'Mother hates me' sessions I had, I still couldn't look myself in the eye. And then I realised that I was missing something - self-esteem.

Let me be clear, I absolutely do not think that everyone else is walking around full of pride; dignity oozing from their pores like cheese from a perfectly stuffed pizza crust. I believe most of us have some level of insecurity, and if you don't, you're probably the next Ted Bundy. Or Tom Hardy. But I've come to realise that my self-deprecation is yet another maladaptive coping mechanism I lean on. And I have no idea how to overcome it. I looked through every page of my stupid (and useful, whatever) DBT folder and there is nothing on self-esteem.

So I googled self-esteem, and there was one exercise that appeared on nearly every page - List things you like about yourself. Reader, I laughed. I was first asked to list what I like about myself in 2004, during group therapy. I had nothing, I handed up a blank page. During my last admission, in August/September 2015, I was asked the same question; after 9 weeks I had nothing. Yesterday I tried to think of three things I like about myself, I have nothing.

If I tried to think of three things I don't like about myself? No problem. Although I think that's the case for many of us. Not that we can't think of our positive attributes, but that it is much easier to highlight our flaws. Personally, would much rather you ask me for a list of flaws, I'm comfortable and well-acquainted with those. But listing all of my disparaging beliefs would be rather long and boring, so instead I will consider my thoughts over a one hour period.

The purpose of this isn't to elicit sympathy,but rather to acknowledge the impact of low self-esteem and hopefully garner some much needed advice.

I have picked this hour for several reasons; first, it's the present, so my memory isn't required; second, I'm alone, thus removing the possibility of outside interference. Finally, nothing massively life altering or heart breaking has happened today. Yet. There's always time for life to be a dick.

I am constantly amazed and disgusted by how naturally pessimistic my outlook is.

You're an attention seeking whore for posting this.

Your hands are dry. and masculine.

Stop wondering what will happen next, you stupid whore.

Everyone already hates you, this is just adding fuel to the fire.

your thighs are touching, you fat cow.

You're fat now and you still don't have boobs. lol.

Waste of space.


Your dogs hate you.

You're fucking ugly.

They literally hate you, they want Alan.

that sigh means Loki hates you.

You type too slow.

seriously stop rubbing your dry claws together.

Your hair is greasy.

You are the ugly friend.

You are a waste of space and money.

Remember money? It's that thing you don't have. Because you're useless.

Genuinely, everyone hates you.

Yes, even them. Remember they didn't reply to you tagging them on a comment on FB? It's because they hate you.

Ooo you're the pity friend! Familiar role for you, loser.

Seriously, your dogs hate you. They won't even cuddle you.

ooo remember how you got fat? That was hilarious right? No? Because you're disgusting now?

They all laugh at you. You know that, right? You don't really fit it, pity invite for one!

Fuck you are pathetic. Can't even afford a cup of coffee.

Also, fat now. FYI.

how's the new career going? Not great? Figures, right?

And nobody wants you there? Because you're fat and ugly maybe?

Remember when you could skip food all day? Willpower eh? None left no?

Oh hey, and you're fucking boring. Go on, discuss the presidential debate, with specifics... No? Global Warming? Property? EINSTEIN?

Literately nothing.

Just visualise your thighs touching off of each other. And your hips getting padded. And your face being plumper.

Good times right? No? Oh fuck... it happens every time. I remember the truth - I'm stuck with this face and brain.

Okay, I gave up after 24 minutes. Mostly because my mind was racing and I couldn't type fast enough.

So that's 24 minutes of me sitting in a chair in my living room, incident free. Just me being me. Fuck I hate me.


  1. Well, I think you are fabulous and a mermaid haired goddess. Add that to your blank page. Big hugs 💘🦄💘🦄 xx

  2. I know we never really knew each other but your such a brave human being for putting this out for the world to see. We all have self esteem issues some more than most! Your a brave beautiful woman and i want to say a huge thank you for reminding me its not only myself that thinks this way it happens in everyone. Makes me feel kind of normal for a change. Your honestly is beautiful and your courage is aspiring.

  3. I know we never really knew each other but your such a brave human being for putting this out for the world to see. We all have self esteem issues some more than most! Your a brave beautiful woman and i want to say a huge thank you for reminding me its not only myself that thinks this way it happens in everyone. Makes me feel kind of normal for a change. Your honestly is beautiful and your courage is aspiring.

  4. Fair fucks to you for writing this. I feel like this a lot and have recently fallen back into a bad state. It is so hard to see the other side or that you were ever happy. What I struggle with most is self esteem and a complete and utter lack of vulnerability.

    I contantly have a similar train of thoughts...

    Your nearly 30, single, don't have a job and still not even a notion of what you want to do, you're such a waste of space, a failure. Your mother thinks you're a lost cause.

    What could you even offer someone else, seriously you can't even take care of yourself.

    Nobody likes you and really the world would not be different if I wasn't here.

    You're a selfish bitch all you think about is yourself, you're worth nothing, nothing.

    I say that not to to be all woe is me, but show you are not alone, not that it often feelslike you aren't. Our views of ourselves are obscured because we live on self deprecation it is so easy to believe and is so engrained it's our natural way to think. But if we can find value in someone else we deserve to allow ourself that same value, it fucking ain't easy and I haven't learned it yet.

    But there is this researcher I came across called Brene Brown and she does research on vulnerability, shame and self worth. I like her, she may not be your cup of tea but I cried when I heard her Ted talk on vulnerability and that shit never happens ha. Check her out if you havent before.

    I think you are a great person, you've always been nice and open when I've met you and you make Alan and so many other people in your life happy; to me that is a person of much worth and value to this world.
